Justice (Deck of Lies, #1)

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The Tower (Deck of Lies, #2)

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Death (Deck of Lies, #3)

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Judgment (Deck of Lies, #4)

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Hope's Rebellion

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Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts

Compelled to Read Justice

"What could oh so easily have been just another fish out of water story full of trite and tired cliché is instead a well thought out and cleverly written page turner."

"Jade Varden is an excellent storyteller with a deft hand at flowing prose. The story is compelling and interesting."

Justice (Deck of Lies, #1) has been reviewed at Twisted Sense. Read the full review, and then get the book free as part of the Stuffed Full of Lies weekend.

Stuffed Full of Lies

Judgment, the fourth and final book in the Deck of Lies series, will be in online bookstores Tuesday, November 27. That's only three days away! 

It gives you just enough time to catch up on all the lies before the series ends. For the rest of this weekend, the first three books in the series will be FREE when you buy them at Smashwords. Get them in any electronic format, and get stuffed full of lies. 

To get Justice (Deck of Lies, #1), use the code PA47C

To get The Tower (Deck of Lies, #2), use the code PW83B

To get Death (Deck of Lies, #3), use the code PM25K

Getting Dramatic with Justice

 "I loved the development of the story line right from chapter one." 

"I would recommend this book to any young adult because it's the perfect amount of high school drama for any adolescent."

Justice (Deck of Lies, #1) has been reviewed at The Rise of a Novelist. Go and read the whole thing, and get an inside look at how I get my reviews!

On the Edge with Justice

"This is a suspenseful, mystery book that has you gripping every lie as they multiply in the palm of your hands."

"This book felt real and I will recommend it to everyone I come across."

Addicted to Novels has reviewed Justice (Deck of Lies, #1). Read the whole thing to find out where to get your copy of the book!

Getting Thrilled by Justice

"An exhilarating ride, and once I started the book, I just couldn’t stop."

Justice (Deck of lies, #1) has been reviewed at Keepin' up with the Joneses. There are some spoilers, so feel free to read the whole review if you've already read Justice, and see if you agree with the reviewer!

Perfectly Surprising

"The perfect YA read."

"The story goes to a whole different place than what I expected."

Kritters Ramblings has reviewed Justice (Deck of Lies, #1). Read the full review at the blog to find out why the reviewer called it perfect!

Justice Has Been Panda-Approved for Human Readers

"Jade Varden really has a way with bringing her story to life, I could easily picture everything that was happening and I was never bored." 

"You really can't go wrong, especially if you're looking for a quick, light YA read filled with intrigue and mystery."

Justice (Deck of Lies, #1) has been reviewed at Panda Reads and approved for even non-bear readers.  Visit the blog to read the whole thing, and find out which well-known author the reviewer compared me to!

Get a Bunch of Free Books

I'm participating in the vacation extravaganza at Blkosiner's book blog! Enter the giveaway to win a copy of the first book in the Deck of Lies series in any electronic format of your choice. 

You'll also get a $5 (USD) gift card to Amazon so you can buy more books (the rest of the Deck of Lies, maybe?). Don't miss your chance to win!

Get Shocked by Justice

"There are so many twist and turns that you really can’t be sure what will happen next." 

"A page turner and keeps you guessing all the way through to the very end."

A very lively review of Justice (Deck of Lies, #1) was posted at Book Pusher recently, and I want you to read it! Make sure you check out the 3 Reasons to Read while you're there.

Start the Search for Truth

I'm giving away Justice, the first book in the Deck of Lies series, at Reading 24x7.

Now's your chance to start the search for the truth free. And if you don't want to wait out the giveaway, you can find Justice at Amazon, B&N, Smashwords and Kobo.

Serving Justice

"Damn engrossing."

"It was simply superb!"

Justice (Deck of Lies, #1) has been reviewed at Reading 24/7. Go check it out before you get your copy of the book!

Love and Justice

 "Justice is full of mystery, problems, and drama."

"There was always something happening and there is still a lot that needs to be solved."

Justice has been reviewed at Pages of Forbidden Love, and I love the review! Go and read the whole thing. Get your free copy of Justice after you enter the giveaway -- just look to the left to find the link!

Justice Keeps Intriguing Readers

"I  would recommend this to everyone who likes to be shocked and intrigued."

Justice has been reviewed at Books for YA!, and I couldn't be more pleased. Go and read the whole thing, and don't forget that you can win the book free. Look to the left of the blog to sign up for one or both of my giveaways, and get your own copy of Justice.

Meet the Characters From Justice!

I've done several interviews where I've talked about my books and my writing process. For the first time, my characters are taking the spotlight and sharing their thoughts.

Visit Today in Shenaya to read an interview with the characters from Justice (yes, including River) and find out what things look like from their point of view.

Another Review for Justice

"Honesty, this might be the best book I’ve read so far."

"Very well written and captured my attention from the first page."

Justice has been reviewed at Classy Me Books -- go and read it!

Thinking About Justice

 "This book is full of twists and turns. There is never a dull moment and Justice really keeps you guessing."

"That is what is so great about Jade's writing. She is fresh, original and makes you think!"

Justice has been reviewed at Little Hyuts. Find out what the reader didn't like when you read the full review. Sign up for one of the giveaways (look to the left!) to get a free copy of the book, and see if you agree with the review! 

Deck of Lies Diva Challenge Now Open

The Deck of Lies Diva Challenge is now open! 

Use the button on the right to sign into Fashion Fantasy Game with your Facebook account and start designing an outfit for Rain. You'll get a chance to win a copy of the first book in the series when you play!

Reviewing Justice

"Justice was well written, had a good pace, and had so many twists to the plot it was really hard to work out what might happen next."

Kelly at Have Book Will Read has kindly reviewed Justice on her blog, and I want you to read the whole thing. While you're there, make sure you sign up for the giveaway to win a free copy of the book.

New Review, Interview and Giveaway

"It's a great read, filled with life-like, credible characters, and to be honest, I found it impossible to put down."

After you read the newest review for Justice at Today in Shenaya, keep going to get a look at an in-depth interview where I discuss the other books in the Deck of Lies series and my writing process in general. While you're there, sign up for the giveaway to get your own copy of Justice, and see if you agree with the review!

Dressing the Deck of Lies

Justice (Deck of Lies, #1) is being featured next week, and you'll never guess where. The book is coming to Fashion Fantasy Game to give readers the chance to dress Rain, the main character in the Deck of Lies series.

I've blogged about Rain's style in the past, and Deck of Lies readers know that fashion plays a strong part in the series. If you keep reading the series, you'll find that Rain's fashion choices often reflect how she's feeling about herself and her life.

But maybe you can do a little better than me at dressing her up. Visit the Facebook page for Fashion Fantasy Game to find out when the competition begins. When it does, you'll have a chance to win my giveaway -- and to blow me away with your amazing fashion sense. Now, go have fun!