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Showing posts with label Hopes Rebellion. Show all posts

Cover Reveal: Hope's Rebellion

I'm pleased to announce that I'm finally ready to reveal the cover for my new book, Hope's Rebellion!!! 

Their friendship will test the fabric of tradition, duty and destiny...

There are only two seasons in Godenor: summer and winter. Weather brings the only surprises to a society where everything is planned, and everyone's status is determined at birth...by the color of their hair.

Rinna has the right hair, Drexi the wrong, and Prelly is almost too ordinary -- in every way but one. Small mistakes bring them together, creating ripples in a pond that knows nothing but serenity. If they reach their goals, they can't help but shatter the world they know.

Love of any kind, even the bond of friendship, isn't allowed in their world...but then, the heart can't always follow orders.


Hope's Rebellion

"Smart, sophisticated and engaging...a recommendable book and a must for dystopian lovers."


"It feels like there’s not a single extra word in this book.  Every word has a purpose...For the first 95% of the novel I couldn’t read fast enough.  For the last 5% I couldn’t read slow enough.  I’m sorry to say goodbye to three unforgettable protagonists."

"Hope's Rebellion has something about it, some spark, that makes a reader not want to put it down, not even when finished. What would you do if you lived in a world where you were taken away from your mother at the age of three, then sent to either be educated or to learn the trade of being a slave? What would you say to a world that picks who would get to give birth, who would work what job, and who would be part of the elite city guard? To a world where all is based on the color of your hair? This is the world Drexi, Rinna of the Gold, and Prelly live in."
-Marked by Books

Official Trailer