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Showing posts with label writers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writers. Show all posts

Does ChatGPT Spell Doom for Writers?

Look around at the world and notice not what is there…but who is missing. No longer will you see a man on stilts at twilight, meticulously lighting gas lamps up and down the street. You won't find a friendly milkman making deliveries. And the men wearing the long beaks who scooped up plague-ridden bodies were out of work in the 1400s. Innovation and technology always usher in new changes. But when something new begins, something else ends. And when it comes to ChatGPT, is this the end of human writing as we know it?

The Ultimate Ghostwriter

So what is ChatGPT? Depending on who is answering, this is a fascinating new innovation full of possibilities...or a demon invention summoned from the blackest pits of Hell. ChatGPT is actually an AI writing tool that can, for all intents and purposes, write anything. Articles, screenplays, entire novels even. You plug in some basic elements of what you want and the darn thing generates humanlike writing that can be difficult to tell from actual human-created content.

And if learning about ChatGPT gives you a strange sinking feeling and you feel the darkness of despair creeping ever closer to you, then you are probably a writer. You might even find yourself wondering if you're about to join the ranks of the now-useless, like those plague guys or the old gas lamp lighters.

Are Human Writers Obsolete?

The recent writer's strike largely involved ChatGPT and concerns about how this tech will be used moving forward, though many of the headlines focused on pay disputes and other issues surrounding the strike.

Writers on all levels have reason to be curious and cautious about this tech. For the first time in human history, a machine can write dialogue and plot and actually tell a story. So you might feel a lot like the gas lamp guy the day the light bulb was invented.

And yes, it is a little bit scary. AI writing software is sophisticated enough to understand grammar and syntax and even slang. It can churn out entire novels with extreme quickness and write words much faster than any human ever could.

But don't throw out your old plague mask yet, so to speak. Because for all their sophistication, there is something that machines and tech can never do: create ideas. 

You can teach a computer how to write like a human and play chess like a human and answer questions like a human would. You cannot teach a computer how to actually be creative. Computers can study all of literature and can even create stories that are similar to stores created before. But a computer will never truly come up with a creative idea for one very good reason.

Only humans can do that. Only humans can invent. No computer program can really be taught how to do that. And as long as that continues to be the case, human writers are still needed.

A Writer’s Tale

Though not as flashy as Shakespeare or as strange as Lewis Carroll, Geoffrey Chaucer contributed much more to the English language as a writer than both of them put together. He is called the Father of English literature and is single-handedly responsible for creating nearly 2,000 words that we use today. He was the very first person to be interred at Westminster in the famed Poet’s Corner and his stories were so good, Heath Ledger and the future Vision actor starred in an adaptation of his work about 600 years after he wrote it. What’s ironic is that the author best known for the Canterbury Tales never made a single cent off his writing.

The Merchant of London

Geoffrey Chaucer was born into the merchant class into rather fortunate circumstances. His father was a successful vintner, winemaker, and he worked for the crown for most of his career -- even when the crown changed heads a few times during the tumultuous Hundred Years’ War.

Remembered today as one of the great writers and studied in schools the world over, Chaucer  was a diplomat, a courtier, a soldier and a clerk to the King, among other things. He was, for all intents and purposes, a government employee…and he was not really a rich man. He was a merchant, not a Lord or a noble, and he almost never stopped working -- proof that he needed money to live, just like anyone else.

Somewhere in the midst of this busy life, Chaucer became one of the greatest poets the world has ever known. History does not show any record that Chaucer ever received any money for his work but he did, perhaps, receive some acclaim. During a St. George’s Day celebration in 1374, King Edward III rewarded Chaucer with a gallon of wine every day for the rest of his life. This is probably the only payment he ever received for writing some of the greatest works in the English language. And for shaping the English language.

Working Man, Amateur Writer

Chaucer did make good on the King’s promise, collecting his gallon of wine daily until the crown shifted to Richard II. It was then that Chaucer began to receive a monetary grant but by then, he was employed as a comptroller for the port of London so the salary may be tied to this position.

Geoffrey Chaucer was the first to be interred at what is now known as Poet’s Corner in Westminster. Today, he keeps company with the likes of William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling and Lord Tennyson.

Like many modern writers, Chaucer worked every day of his life and wrote in his free time. He invented thousands of words, which is beyond remarkable, and wrote a book that people are still reading 500 years after his death.

Chaucer did not write for money, because he didn’t get any, and he didn’t write for fame, because he wasn’t known for being a writer by most people until after his death. He lived during a time of war and chaos in England and maintained employment even as Kings were being killed in battle and worse. And he wrote. He held many different positions in his life and clearly knew how to hustle and never stopped, working steadily through most of his life. But in the end, he is known as a writer and was remembered as one of the greatest to ever pick up a quill.

He worked government jobs, serving at the King’s pleasure as a clerk and any other position to which he was appointed, but when he could have his own time he wrote things.

And though he lived and died so many centuries ago that his version of English is only just recognizable to modern readers…he was a lot like many writers out there today. Most writers are fairly regular people who aren’t born rich, who have to work for a living and sometimes at jobs they might not love, who write what they can in their free moments. And some writers, like Chaucer, might not make a penny from all their writing efforts.

But it didn’t keep him from inspiring generations and generations of writers in the future and it didn’t keep him from becoming immortal as one of the greatest writers who ever lived. So remember this: the end of your own story hasn’t been written yet.

Do You Know the Words Writers Are Never Supposed to Use Anymore?

You may have noticed that people are being a bit more careful about what they say, these days. Look back at movies from the 1990s and you’ll find yourself gritting your teeth and groaning over extremely casual racism, bigotry and misogyny that is peppered all over scripts. The world has changed and the way we use words has changed, too. You can probably think of several words that you know are bad, words you wouldn’t put in your book unless there was an extremely strong reason to do so, words that are still controversial and can still get books banned in many places around the world. Mark Twain’s books are still being fought over for just this reason.

But there are many words writers aren’t supposed to use anymore beyond the obvious ugly slurs. Do you know what they are, and have you modified your writing? Because 20 years from now, you don’t want people gritting their teeth and groaning over something you have written.

The Power of Words

Words have power, as every single writer knows. Many of them have multiple meanings. Say a certain word and it can create a certain feeling. You know the words you could say to a man to make him feel angry, or small. You know what to say to a woman to insult her. You know these are bad, ugly words. But many words cause feelings and carry certain meanings that you might not intend. Many words are falling out of use and in some publications, they can’t be used at all. It’s up to you whether or not to use these words in your writing, but give yourself the option by finding out which words writers really aren’t supposed to use any more.

: While it seems innocuous enough, the word “family” has come to carry a lot of weight. Politicians and talking heads use this word a lot and for many, it has become a bit of a painful word. Not everyone has a nuclear family with parents and siblings, grandparents and uncles and all the rest.

And while the word can be used to describe any group of friends or individuals who become a family, the word still conjures up images of that nuclear group consisting of mother, father and babies. And for many different reasons, the image and the word can be hurtful, or provoke other unpleasant feelings.

Master: Until you start really paying attention to how often this word is used, you don’t really realize how often this word is used. It’s always been common in real estate. Master bedroom, master bath. Whether it’s a master room of some kind or a person who is a master of a game or a skill, the word appears enough that everyone knows just what it means. A master is the biggest or the best or the leader. And the word also has a very long and ugly history not just in the U.S., but all over the world. Because during the days when slavery was legal, the master was the person holding the whip. Real estate companies are now trying to avoid using this word, even when it’s being applied to something as innocent as a bedroom.

Though it fell into common use for over 100 years after slavery was abolished in the U.S. and in other superpowers around the globe, the word has incredibly ugly origins and many people are finally acknowledging that by refusing to use it.

Slave: Speaking of this ever-sensitive topic, writers for many publications are being told not to use this word. In fact, it’s best to avoid the term slavery when possible, as well. Rather than saying that someone was a former slave or referring to a person as a slave, the more appropriate phrasing is to say that a person was enslaved.

For example:

Akhat the Egyptian was a slave in the 19th century B.C.E.

Akhat the Egyptian was enslaved in the 19th century B.C.E.

The meaning is the same but the wording is just very slightly tweaked. Why this change? Because slave is not an occupation or a life goal. One does not become a slave the way a person becomes a baker. Slavery is put upon a person. It is forced. Having this thing forced upon a person does not make them that thing. You can force a dog to dress like a cow. You can put him in a little cow outfit, but the dog is not a cow. The dog is in a cow costume. A human being does not become a slave. They become enslaved. It is forced on them. This is just a little difference, but it does make a difference.

This small change in language draws a verbal line between choosing to be a slave, which no one in four billion years of Earth history has ever done and never ever will, and having it forced upon them. Writing enslaved instead makes it clear that this was a forced condition, not a way of life.

The Striking Writers Have Asked for Support from All Creators

“We are asking our colleagues -- especially those who work as editors on TV, film, and general entertainment verticals - - to join us in adding a short editorial statement to the top of reviews and other critical coverage written and published during the strikes.”

This is the message released by the striking writers and actors represented by the WGA (Writer’s Guild of America) and the SAG (Screen Actors’ Guild). The writers, actors and other creative professionals represented by these unions have asked for help and support.

Should indie authors and other non-union creators give it to them? 

Writers on Strike

The writers’ strike has been ongoing since May as the writers, actors and other creative professionals (this includes stunt people, voice actors, etc.) continue to butt heads with studio executives and media owners, such as Netflix and Paramount…and Disney, and NBC Universal and all of them.

Unions have the power to go on strike at any time, though it typically happens when the union and the company that employs the union (in this case, Hollywood producers and distributors) cannot come to terms on new contracts. This is the case with the WGA. Contract negotiations between the two sides broke down, and this launched the strike.

But this strike is not simply about how much money screenwriters earn. They also have significant concerns about AI software and how it will be applied to their writing, going forward. Actors have a similar concern regarding their likenesses and AI software’s ability to take those likenesses and create entirely new content using them.

The way AI writing software is used, and how human writers are going to be compensated for their writing, is a huge issue that affects all writers of all kinds in every single industry. AI software can now write books. As if things weren’t already difficult enough for indie authors.

A Show of Support

Because this issue is so huge and because negotiations have hardly gotten anywhere by the end of August, more than three months after the strike first began, the WGA has asked for a show of support from all creators of all types of content.

How can you help? First, you can post the script provided by the WGA on any and all content you create, so long as you are at liberty to do so according to your publisher. But beyond that, you can also refuse to accept any jobs or gigs or projects that would normally be completed by a union writer or actor.

The WGA and SAG have also asked creators to refrain from creating content based on content previously created by them that is being released during the strike. Discussing the latest movie or TV show on YouTube or in a blog post, for example, is something like a digital version of crossing the picket line, according to those on strike. If they are not being properly compensated for their work and cannot receive proper compensation for their work going forward, they ask that no one attempt to make money off of their work. After all, that’s exactly what the studios are attempting to do -- make money off the backs of writers and actors without meeting their demands as far as AI writing and video software is concerned.

The WGA has gone on record saying that content creators who virtually or physically cross picket lines and continue to create content they have been asked not to create will never, at any point in the future, be invited to join the WGA.

As of the writing of this piece, only WGA writers are allowed to produce scripts for movies and TV shows made in the U.S., no matter which part of the country they are made in.

What the Writer Strike is All About and What it Means to Indie Authors

As of the start of the month of August, the Writer's Guild of America has been on strike for 100-plus days. But why should indie authors care?
What's the Fight About?

The WGA is a labor union. This gives members of the union the right to collective bargaining. As union employees, the members of the WGA are under contract. When the business entity or entities that a union works for offers a contract that most members of the union do not like and do not want, they can then choose to use their collective bargaining power to force that company or companies to meet the demands of the union by going on strike.

To put it plainly, a majority of the members of the WGA do not like the contract they were offered. Writer's strikes are not uncommon and in the past, the WGA has used their right to strike in order to get more money for their work.

But this strike is very different. This strike is about money, sure, but it's also about a much deeper issue that affects all writers everywhere, union and indie alike: AI writing software.

How the WGA is Standing Up to ChatGPT and AI Writing

AI has been creeping into storytelling for several years. When Netflix recommends new movies and shows to you, that's AI at work. When Harrison Ford gets to be younger than he is in a film that's AI, too. Now, programs like ChatGPT are capable of writing movie scripts, TV show episodes. Blog posts, articles, novels. And that's why this issue touches all writers. Soon, directors won't need scriptwriters because they can simply type some prompts into a software program. Soon, writing a novel could be as simple as coming up with the root of an idea. And this is why the WGA is taking a stand now, and trying to establish some rules and receive compensation when AI is used in place of flesh-and-blood writers.

That makes it a pretty big deal. The Writers Guild of America and now the Screens Actors Guild of America are united on one side of the bargaining table. That is, roughly, all the Hollywood scriptwriters and all the Hollywood actors and actresses. They stand against the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. It's the talent versus the bosses, in short.

The writers and creatives say that under the new contracts, producers are seeking permission to use AI to generate new dialogue and create new scenes, extensively changing existing scripts, without the writers' knowledge or consent. As for the actors, they allege that producers are seeking the right to use their digital images and likenesses to create new performances using AI technology.

You can see why the creatives might not like that. And perhaps you can also see how this is a watershed moment for all writers everywhere. What happens in these negotiations could very well set the tone for how writers are compensated regarding AI software going forward, not just in Hollywood but in all industries. What about articles you write online that are significantly altered by AI? Should your name still be on them? Should you receive less compensation because AI was used? 


There are lots of questions to ask, lots of angles to consider and this is why the strike continues to drag on and on and on. It's brand-new territory and it's playing out right now, in real time. Precedents are being written in the moment. Decisions made today could affect a generation of writers or more.

It's pretty thrilling stuff. Anything brand-new is scary. Once upon a time, seeing the wheel for the first time terrified somebody. Simply using metal to cut a piece of meat was a gigantic innovation. AI writing software could be a civilization-changing innovation…or it could be a flash in the pan, a fad that quickly fades like others have done before. There is no way of knowing what will happen with AI software in the future, which is exactly the point of the strike. Writers and actors are seeking some protections now, some rules and a foundation laid in place now, because AI tools are only going to expand going forward from here.

What's the solution? What's the answer to the problem? Where do you fall in this debate? Plugging the questions into an AI program won't help.

For now, some solutions still take human minds and human words. Eventually, that will be enough to resolve the contract disputes and end the strike. Because for now, humans are still the ones leading the discussion. In a few years, depending on how these talks go today, that might not be the case.