Justice (Deck of Lies, #1)

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What Should You Read Next?

 Everyone has a list of books they want to read and every reader has their favorite books. But when you read a lot, eventually you'll finish this mental list. And when that happens, you might not know what to read next. One website has decided to answer this age-old question.

Discovering Books


Shepherd is all about book lists. If you want to know what to read next based on author recommendations, types of books, books by certain authors any all kinds of different categories, this is where you need to be. For example if you love books about time travel, you can find recommendations for specific books that fall into this category and even find out what makes certain books so readable.

I recently did a list for Shepherd about switching places, a theme that Deck of Lies readers know very well. Go check it out and go find out more about all the books you're going to want to read soon.