
Saltwater Secrets: Everything You Need to Know

Death and the Deep, Book 2 of the Saltwater Secrets trilogy, is coming out this month! Not current on the trilogy? No worries -- you can find out what you need to know right here, before you get started on the new book.

Catching Up

Death and the Deep occurs just weeks after the end of Song of the Sea, the first installment in the Saltwater Secrets trilogy. Before you get started on the second part of the story, make sure you’re all caught up from the first. Read ahead at will -- there are no major spoilers here!

  • Who: Brenna Douglas is the main character of the trilogy. She starts out as a pretty normal girl living in Maine and going to High School. Of course, she’s not that at all by the end of the book.
  • What: Brenna’s mother leaves one night, taking Brenna completely by surprise. On her own, Brenna decides to go find her mom...and bring her back.
  • When: Of course, things don’t quite as planned for Brenna. She ends up far away from home, and meets a boy unlike any she’s ever met before. To find out why Dylan isn’t like any boy you’ve ever met, either, you’re going to have to read the trilogy!
  • How: You can read Death and the Deep and get into the Saltwater Secrets story with ease, but you’ll understand a lot more if you start with Book 1, Song of the Sea first. Visit the books page to find all the places you can buy it! Song of the Sea is available in ebook and paperback.

Look for Death and the Deep, Saltwater Secrets Book 2, this month! Keep checking the blog to find out how you can get it for free on the first day of release.