
To Live Deliberately

If I told you I was leaving everything behind to go live alone in the woods, you might think I have gone insane. And maybe Henry David Thoreau's family and friends thought he was crazy, too, when he went off to the woods. He told the world that he did it so he could live deliberately. ...What do you think that means?

The Mad Writer

Henry David Thoreau decided to step outside the real world, the everyday world that the rest of us are forced to contend with, so he could go live in the woods. But he didn't just live in the woods, he wrote a book about it. And when "Walden Pond" was published, the world understood. Henry David  Thoreau wasn't crazy when he went into the woods. He was doing research.

He had a very deliberate plan for his book. Before he would write it, he would live it. This is just what Thoreau did when he took off to go live at Walden Pond. His plan looked crazy, sure. It didn't sound like something that would work. Really, who just goes to live in the woods?

Thoreau did, and his weird plan worked. People still talk about "Walden Pond," and the process of writing it fascinates me to this day. He chose to live deliberately, but he did it by creating a deliberate writing plan.

You may not want to go into the woods, and I don’t blame you, but we can follow his example. Come up with a deliberate writing plan. Write with purpose. Find your inspiration, do your research and write...deliberately.


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