
Indie News: Money Talks in Self-Publishing

Public opinion isn't wholly on your side yet if you're an indie author, but the tide is slowly turning in our favor...because money talks. More and more indie authors are making 6- and 7-figure paydays from their self-published efforts. That makes it much harder for others to scoff at the idea of indie authors.

The Upper Hand

Numbers don't lie, and some of them show what's really happening in the book industry. Some self-published authors are now earning more than authors who have taken a more traditional publishing route. 

It is hard to verify these findings because Amazon does not release detailed sales figures. However, there is no question that self-published authors earn more in royalties than their traditional counterparts. This means that indie authors earn more per book, so they don't have to sell as many as traditional authors who need to convince millions of readers to try them out.

One self-published author rocketed up the Amazon bestseller list after publishing his book. He began receiving calls from agents and publishers in the industry. One offered him a $5,000 advance. The author earned that much from his book in one day after he got that call.

Money talks in any industry...and that goes for books, too.


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