
Indie News: Wattpad Introduces Fan Funding

Not on Wattpad yet? If you need more motivation to get involved with this story-sharing social media site, here's an incentive: you can use it to make money for your self-publishing projects. 

Wattpad has recently introduced a "Fan Funding" option to the site, where writers can encourage readers in their network to help fund their upcoming projects. Wattpad says their program is different from the crowd funding platform Kickstarter because many Wattpad users have large fan bases to work with.

The platform isn't limited to ebooks or even print books. Through Fan Funding, Wattpad users can donate to movie scripts and other writing-related projects. This gives indies a whole new means of supporting their dreams and making them a reality. 

So if you've been waiting for an excuse to join the site, now's your chance. While you're there, look me up!


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