
The Best Ways to Celebrate National Book Month

October is National Book Month, which makes it my favorite. While most people are planning Halloween parties and going to haunted houses, I'm thinking about books. Of course, it's a little unfair since I'm always thinking about books. But it does make me qualified to recommend the best ways to celebrate a month full of books. 

Celebrating Books

It's time to start celebrating books, and I can help you do it. Looking for the best ways to spend your October? Bury your nose in a book, and then try some additional Book Month activities. 
  • Review-A-Week. Take the review-a-week challenge, which I'm inventing now, and review four books for National Book Month. I know at least three books you should read to help you get started...
  • Set a reading challenge. Challenge yourself this month. Decide that you're going to read at least 1 book; set a bigger goal if you're feeling bold.
  • Join a book group. You'll never have a better excuse for joining a book group. Celebrate National Book Month by finding like-minded readers online or locally, and start sharing the book talk with others.
  • Re-reads. Take the opportunity to re-read your very favorite book, and fall in love with the story all over again.
  • Suggest-a-book. Suggest a new book every week to your Twitter and Facebook followers, and spread the love for the books you've enjoyed most. Choose a Halloween or fall theme if you want to really get mileage out of the month of October.
  • Get the original story. Make a list of your Top 10 favorite movies, and read the books that inspired them. Chances are, at least 50 percent of the list can be directly traced back to books, plays or short stories that were written long before the actors and director came along to put their own spin on the original tale.
Some readers are always celebrating books, but the month of October is a great way to share that joy with others. It's National Book Month! Walk away from the computer and pick up your ereader instead. You've got books to explore, review, recommend, and discuss.


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