
Another Reviewer Falls in Love with Justice

"I LOVED every minute of it!!"

"The plot itself was utterly gripping. There’s a lot of mystery at every turn."

Justice has just been reviewed at BookAThonFreak! Visit the blog to read the whole thing, and don't forget that the book is available free from Smashwords for just a few more days. If you haven't already got your copy, get it before the July release celebration for Death is over! 


  1. That's great! I'm glad things look to be going well :) I'm glad to report that my TBR list is going down pretty quickly. So I'm really anxious to get your book and see what's all the fuss about. Although I do hope you take the bad reviews into consideration aswell. They might have many great things to say even if they are negative. Anyways, as usuall all the best- Nic

  2. There are no bad reviews...just reviews I can't quote in my tweets *w*.
