
Deck of Lies Series

Praise for Justice

 "What could oh so easily have been just another fish out of water story full of trite and tired cliché is instead a well thought out and cleverly written page turner."
"Jade Varden is an excellent storyteller with a deft hand at flowing prose. The story is compelling and interesting."
-Twisted Sense

"This is a suspenseful, mystery book that has you gripping every lie as they multiply in the palm of your hands."
"This book felt real and I will recommend it to everyone I come across."
-Random Smiles

 "The perfect YA read."
"The story goes to a whole different place than what I expected."
-Kritters Ramblings

 "It was simply superb!"
-Reading 24/7

 "I would recommend this to everyone who likes to be shocked and intrigued."
- Books for YA!

 "Honesty, this might be the best book I’ve read so far."
"Very well written and captured my attention from the first page."
-Classy Me Books

 "It's a great read, filled with life-like, credible characters, and to be honest, I found it impossible to put down."
-Today in Shenaya

 "There are many great YA authors out there, but Varden's style stands out."
-The Eager Reader

“So much better than I expected”
“An exhilarating ride, and once I started the book, I just couldn't stop.”
-Theresa Crocker, Amazon

 “Oh wow! I LOVED this book!”
- havebookwillread "Kelly"

Praise for the Tower 

 "It's very well crafted and executed, sustaining a very tense chase, almost to the point of becoming a thriller!"
-Verdict Book Reviews

"I wanna cry you guys. It was so good!...I couldn't even predict anymore! I was left surprised, shocked, and blown away!"
"If I could describe this book in one word, it would be EXCITING."
- Little Book Star

"It's really an amazing book, with drama, mystery, friendship, self-discovery, redemption and one of my favorite characters."
- Ruty

"Did The Tower deliver? Absolutely! :) I stayed up reading with one eye it was that good!"
- Melanie Cusick-Jones, author

"Oh my gosh! Jade Varden HAS to be one of the best indie writers and yes guys she blew me away again with her second book in the Deck of Lies series!"
"Brace yourself for a whole lot more of twists and turns, secrets that I would never have guessed be unravelled and poor Rain, whose life has become even more complicated."
- Nourin, BookathonFreak

Praise for Death

"As soon as she uncovers the truth about one secret, a whole load more are uncovered!"
"Can Rain ever get to the bottom of the Von Shelton's secrets and lies?"
- Sarah, Amazon

"Everything gets more complicated in this book. I was hooked on to it and the story gets super better. More twists and revelations will come right at your face, and by the time you think you're going to bed, you'll be tempted to read one more page, then the next, and the next, until you finish the whole book."
- Leigh, Little Book Star 

"The first two books were full of twists and turns, but they had nothing on this book "
- Ariel Avalon, Amazon

"Everything gets more complicated in this book and Rain’s past and family tree becomes even more dysfunctional and twisted.....but I LOVED IT! It was like a story book version of ‘Desperate Housewives’ or a very tense soap drama filled with dirty family secrets."
- Nourin, Goodreads

Praise for Judgment 

"A great conclusion to the series, bringing everything together into a satisfying and memorable climax. Part courtroom drama, part YA the mysteries of the previous books, the key relationships and events are all delivered in Jade Varden's clear, crisp writing. This is a great YA series, one of the best I read in 2012 - definitely recommended."
- Melanie Cusick-Jones, author

"The writing lovingly holds your hand and leads you through the story."
- Ariel Avalon, Goodreads

"Like always with Varden's work, the writing flows effortlessly to create an interesting, intriguing and well developed plot that is easy for the audience to understand."
- Sienna, Lost to Books

"I have to say... I LOVED LOVED LOVED this entire series! BUT I love the ending best of all!! It is everything I could have asked for (had I known what to ask for) in an ending!!"
- Theresa Crocker, Amazon